How is an SVHS student assigned courses?
Students will meet with guidance counselors in Jan/Feb and review a transcript of credits earned thus far.
Post Secondary plans are discussed
Required classes are identified per the Diploma Track the student is working toward.
Students write down the requested classes (required and elective) on the course scheduling sheet.
Parents must sign off on the course request sheet and return to guidance office.
Parents are encouraged to request an appointment with the guidance department at any time to discuss course requests and graduation requirements.

What does a 4-Year Course Plan look like?
All students begin SVHS in freshman year on the Core 40 diploma track. This will be adjusted as needed according to student progress and performance. The 4-year map below is the typical* course load by grade level.
*This plan may alter depending on course offerings and schedule conflicts.

What Electives are Available?
South Vermillion High School boasts a large and diverse array of elective offerings for students ranging from computer science, to agriculture, to fine arts, to physical education and everything in between.
Students are encouraged to take courses that they want to learn more about, are naturally passionate about, or are eager to explore a possible career field.

How to Read your SVHS Student Schedule
Term 1 (Semester 1) at the top.
Term 2 (Semester 2) at the bottom.
Top Right - Locker # & Combination, Lunch #, and Bus information.
Homeroom falls between 3rd & 4th period. - Homeroom Teacher and Room # listed at top left