Welcome To My Page!
It's hard for me to realize that this is my 17th year serving the South Vermillion School Corporation as your Superintendent. It's hard for me to grasp just how fast the time has flown by. During my tenure here, there have been many changes that have taken place in my professional and personal life for which I am so grateful. I have always believed that to be a“servant leader”, I should set the standard for those who follow. My leadership approach is one of being an example to those I lead and showing the benefits of how educators, students, and families can create a climate and culture within their school community that leads to success at every level. I believe without a doubt, that our accomplishments have not been solely mine. It takes a great team of administrators, teachers, and support staff to achieve our goals. It also takes a great school board that is committed to student success. Together, we will continue to do great work for the SV community.
I began my educational journey as an undergraduate at Indiana State University, graduating in 1982. My first "job" was in Effingham, Illinois where I was a high school social studies teacher and coach. While there I received my Master's Degree in School Administration from Eastern Illinois University in 1987. That's when "Phase II" of my career kicked in and I began my administrative journey. My first year in administration was at Clay City Jr/Sr High School where I served as Assistant Principal/Athletic Director. After that first year, I received a call from Vigo County asking me to "come home" and serve the school that I graduated from...West Vigo High School. There, I served as Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and Principal from 1990 to 2005. From there, I wanted to expand my horizons and seek out new challenges. I spent the next three years at Danville High School (1) and Vincennes Lincoln High School (2). During my time at VLHS I completed my Superintendent's certification at Indiana State University.
Fortunately for me, the superintendent vacancy opened at South Vermillion, and, as the story goes, the rest is history. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at South Vermillion. There is a great sense of pride in having this position knowing that I am charged with the education of the students in our community. I have always taken my role as superintendent with a great deal of responsibility and want to be accountable to all our stakeholders. To that end, all good things come to an end. The 2024-2025 school year will be my last as I will be retiring at the end of the school year. Reflecting on my 17 years serving as Superintendent of South Vermillion Community School Corporation, I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for the incredible journey we have shared. With the announcement of my retirement and the mixed emotions that have come with it, I will be leaving with a heart full of fond memories and deep admiration for this school community.
To our South Vermillion faculty and staff... thank you for your unwavering dedication to our students. Your commitment to excellence has made a lasting impact on countless young lives. To our students... your energy, curiosity, and resilience have been a source of inspiration. Watching you grow and succeed has been the most rewarding part of my role. To the parents, families, and community members... your support and engagement have been essential in fostering a strong, student-centered environment.
I am very excited about what the future holds for the South Vermillion Community School Corporation. I believe it is vitally important for you to know and understand that we will continue to seek out the best, encourage each other, and keep fighting the good fight for what's best for our students and staff.
Soon, it will be time to enjoy the next chapter yet to be written, but knowing it will be spent it with my beautiful wife Lorie. We will travel, enjoy the beach, play golf, take walks, ride our bikes, and more importantly, spend time with our children and grandchildren.
Thank you for the honor and privilege of serving as your superintendent. It has been an amazing ride!
With gratitude and best wishes,
David A. Chapman, Superintendent