This year we had a leap day - February 29th. This date on the calendar is special because it only occurs once every four years. SVMS is proud of our students for "Leaping for Success" every day! Each teacher was asked to nominate one student to be recognized for leap day. The following students (not in order) were selected: Addie Brown, Mickey Christman, Chloe Taylor, Holden Peffley, Wesley Canfield, Dallas Peffley, Annie Magee, Lucas Cook, Lakynn Stevens, Lainy Gilman, Trinity Hair, Zoey Allen, Javier Power, Lainey Allen, Jacoby Rowe, Carson Lowe, Colt Chilton, Devin Sanders, Norton Newcomb, Gunner Stultz, Jeremiah Tapley, Jonathon Jones, Stella Weir, Emma Lamb, Gabe Hernandez, Jayden VanHoutin, Dylan Bailey, and Holdyen Millis. Congratulations to all of the students selected! Prizes were made available courtesy of our Clinton McDonalds and Brandae Stateler, Farm Bureau Agent.

Leaping for Success Winners
March 1, 2024