SVMS Robotics Team Competes at Worlds in Dallas, Texas

The SVMS Nerd Herd Robotics Team competed at the Vex World Finals in Dallas, Texas last week. At Worlds, they competed with teams from around the world which provided them with an incredible cultural experience. Some key take aways from the competition last week were:

  • They received many compliments on sportsmanship and kindness. A scoring judge found them on the last day to offer his compliment and gratitude.

  • The Nerd Herd won the VEX IQ costume contest.

  • They tied for 22nd in their division and were 9 points away from being in the divisional finals! That could have been scoring one more block! So close!

  • SVMS Nerd Herd finished 152 out of 420 Worlds qualifying competing teams. There are approximately 5000 middle school Vex IQ teams in the World.

  • They were part of a team alliance that scored 162 points in one round. 163 was the highest score in our division and during the finals a score of 160 won third place overall.

Great work SVMS Nerd Herd! We are proud of you!  Members of The Nerd Herd are: Reed Taylor, Colten James, Jonah Foltz, and Colton Robertson. They are coached by Maria Sellers.