This is National Breakfast Week as well as Read Across America Week (Dr. Seuss Week). Our first breakfast book giveaway was today! The prize-winner, Kole Brown, is shown with Mrs. Foxworthy and Mrs. Jenkins. Congratulations!
Wear a hat tomorrow for Dr. Seuss Week! Go, Dog. Go!
Events for March 4-8th.
Read Across America Week (also known as Dr. Seuss Week) is this week. See the attached flyer for our themed dress-up days.
A huge thank you to all of the maintenance staff at SVCS. The Van Duyn Viking students and staff appreciate all of you!
Viking Vision Newsletter for March. Sent home earlier today.
March 4-8th is National Breakfast Week. There will be chances to win daily prizes for students who eat a cafeteria breakfast! March Breakfast Menu is attached.
March Lunch Menu is attached. Dr. Seuss Week is next week. See other posts for themed dress-up days.
Scan the QR code to order your Van Duyn spirit wear!
The 4th-grade class at Van Duyn is selling school spirit wear. Attached is information and the order form that is being sent home today with all students. You can scan the QR code or go to to order OR you can complete the order form and return it with payment to the school.
Next week (March 4-8) is Read Across America Week in celebration of the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Attached is our lunch menu for the week along with the themed dress-up days that coordinate to a Dr. Seuss book each day.
This week's events.
Tonight is the PTO Mother/Son Neon Dance Party from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the gym. Pre-ordered tickets are required and will not be sold at the door.
Don't forget tomorrow is SV Gives Back Day. Wear pajamas and bring your favorite stuffed animal for $1.
The Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS) trailer will be parked at SVMS on Wednesday, Feb. 28th from 2:00-5:00 PM. Parents/guardians of SV students are invited to stop by for a 15-minute tour of the trailer.
This is a traveling, hands-on, interactive exhibit/program designed to help adults recognize unfamiliar signs of substance misuse or risky behaviors that are often "hidden in plain sight".
The HIPS Trailer is sponsored by Hamilton Center.
Cheese Pizza Quesadilla
Thank you to all SV School Bus Drivers!
GREAT NEWS!! Superintendent Chapman will be reading Chapter 6 of The Story Puppy aloud in the Superintendent's Office tonight at 6PM (800 Wildcat Drive)! Help us spread the word! Bring your book, or just come along and listen! Also! Our culminating event is one week away! #OneSchoolOne Book
Friday, Feb. 23rd is SV Gives Back Day. At Van Duyn, we're participating by allowing students and staff to wear pajamas and bring a favorite stuffed animal for $1.